Tag Archives: love

Donations….really? Did she just ask? YES

Most of you don’t know my story or anything about me…but here goes the basics. I am a single mother striving through this life that seems hell bent on bringing us all down. Its about money, looking Fab, getting the best looking spouse, way to many broken families, people who are all about themselves, that think that if THEY aren’t getting there way then they move on. People no longer look out for each other only themselves.

I am a dreamer, I don’t want to look perfect, I don’t need the best looking husband just the one that thinks I am the best, I want to love my neighbor and help whoever I can. I donate to any cause I feel does it for the better of mankind.

I am a parent who thinks her childs education is important enough to make every sacrifice whatever it takes.

I am the women who presses on with a broken heart and believes in love and romance.

I am the person who has been through hell even passed by the devil and ran as fast as I could to God. .

I am the one every body counted out and said wouldn’t amount to much and as I tell my story, my testimony, I am healed by all the people who are proud of what I have done.

I am the women who lay on a floor wishing to die and stands here today making the best of herself.

I am the one who works full time, goes to school full time and manages her household ALL by myself but would love to share it someday, But I know I am strong enough to do it.

I am a mother who isn’t afraid of disapline her child, and knows its good for her to lose every once in awhile. Isn’t afraid of her hating or loving my choice to raise her with morals, respect and to get a good education. Remembering that right now she doesn’t know what is best for her, its my job to teach her to make those decisions later on.

So as I tell my story, its in the middle of a great chapter. I have accomplished more than anyone every thought but always knew I could. I am headed to the top and taking love with me!!! I have amazing people around me, I have a wonderful daughter, a crazy but great family, and my dog. I have Jesus and that’s enough for me.

In light of all this…why am I telling you this about myself?? Well I am in the processing of buying my first home..well townhome. I am so happy to be able to have a little something that’s mine. I need all the help I can to move and the church said I should ask people to donate…really are you crazy?? Ask for donations for myself? BUT I am the one who donates? The reply was overwhelming that it was my turn to ask for help, I spent my days helping others and right now I need the help.

So this is my story and it will have a happy ending even if a few chapters sound like a horror movie…God’s has an amazing plan for me and I am just asking if you would mind helping out?

Thanks for listening, spreading the word, and all the encouragement and as I nervously end this blog I am hoping no one see’s this as a ploy, a selfish act, or lame, a pity part, its just me asking for help because my goal in life is to help as many as possible and spread love in hopes of reversing this crazy worlds way of thinking@!

Donates are being accepted of any kind at paypal.com (email address sjhanson77@gmail.com)

Calling all Christian’s….yep even me!

Wither you are a new Christian or been around for years to the beliefs of all Christians, you know that the single most important thing to learn about it, is the Bible. It doesn’t really matter if you read NIV, KJV, NKJV or the many others. You know what the word SIN means, and about Heaven and Hell and everything in between, and yes even myself. Thats what started this blog….why is it as Christians we set the worst example???

I have found some of the biggest hypocrites in today’s society when it comes to Christians, saying we should come to the modern age…..ahhhhh hold on a moment???? Everything in the Bible that teaches about how we should act, what we should do, how we should do things, and learn more about Jesus doesn’t change just because we now can type on our Ipads and talk into our cell phones like their human…what happened here?

Personally I think the Devil’s got ahold of the Christian people. Since when was SIN better than another?? I hear women/men saying they would never cheat on their spouse but bad mouth their mother in law. They sit in church and then drink and go home and make their families afraid of them with their unkind words and actions.  Their addicted to porn, lust and all that but then turn around and say if someone looked at my daughter like that…ahhh hello that is someones daughter. The Devil has us believing that its ok to bend the rules for modern society and that is the worst thinking of any Christian. I have read that sex outside of marriage is a no-no but then that didn’t work out and I used the excuse that the pressure around me got to me….WOW I must not have much control to let a few high schoolers of my day persuade me to something against my own values?

A SIN IS A SIN, if you rob a bank or gossip about your boss it doesn’t matter. IN my personal life I go to church on Sunday and scream at my child on Monday….I don’t do all things in love, I am not a very forgiving person, but hey I have the bumper sticker….wooohooo I am forgiven for acting like an ass…RIGHT?

What it really means is that me and MANY MANY other Christians abuse the system. If it’s truly a mistake ok its forgiven, yes we are human it will happen. BUT like my mom told me…anything done the first time can be considered a mistake but  doing it anytime after that is a choice…so Whats your choice as a Christian? To continue your life going to church and “Acting” or making a difference? Even if it’s just to you family at home?  People think they have to do these huge massive things to make a difference being a Christian but sometimes God’s only calling maybe for you to raise up Christian Children, or bring families (like your own) back together.

We as Christians have to rise above this world….we are not of this we live in this world!!!!  Divorce, families, education, violence and the DEVIL are all running amuck because we are afraid people might think we are Bible pushers or different…WE ARE!!!!!!!!! Since when did we become afraid of giving people a reason to walk the Earth? Since when was it wrong to try to save your friends and family? Would it be a shame if we believed in marriage and family?

We have to remember our calling is a higher God and not of the bosses, car that cut us off, the significant other we cursed out, that guy that is just a jerk, the boss you talk crap about but are nice to his face, we are whats wrong with Christians. Only about a quarter of all Christians that claim to be Christians actually act like one…and if you’re using the excuse you are forgiven, you are correct BUT just like every good Father you will get punished for making the same bad decision over and over again. That’s His job, He love us and always will. This world will fade but God never will…isn’t that what you learned so why are we so afraid to scream out His name and be PROUD to be Christian?

So here is the true question…. are you only a “good time” Christian or are you a “die-hard”???…if  you hide behind your cross necklace and bumper sticker as you yell at your wife and kids and say they deserve it….you may need to think again. If you are always bragging, gossiping, having sex and not married, telling lies, stealing, and not bringing your family the good news….then your not a die-hard and I know for myself I want to be a “die-hard” not a “good time” Christian, I don’t want to just look like a Christian I want to be a Christian and I DON”T CARE WHO IT OFFENDS I SAY GOD BLESS AND I’LL BE PRAYING FOR YOU!

Many times we think killers, thieves, gangs, porn, and other violent/lustful/wrong things are the worst things out there, BUT I think that a Christian who doesn’t live what s/he preachers or who lives in the selfishness that s/he is all forgiven so oh well, is WORST!!!!

This post may seem harsh but the truth is I just want us as Christians to be the messagengers they should be, I am speaking to myself also. I am not being harsh or cruel it’s just the truth and I for one want Christians to be the Love, Happiness, Peach, Kindness, Truth, Educated, wonderful people of the world but we need a wake up call! God Will give us all the blessings so why are we looking to this world for something only God can give us?

My Little Rant

Okay I am sorry but I have to say something. I have been listening to all these people blaming politicians, the President and everyone else for America’s issues. YES they do have something to do with it but WE as Americans have to take a lot of the fault the way this country and our lives are. We 1st off need to stop giving them so much power since when did a few people have more power than millio

n’s of Americans? They don’t we just have the wrong priorities and give it to them.
We would rather spend $500.00 a month on a car payment but won’t spend $500.00 a month to give our kids to a better school. We will stand in line for a midnight screening of Twilight but don’t have time attend a School board meeting. A mansion in 1908 is considered a dump today (its not big enough) We will buy our kids a $600.00 tablet then complain that a dental bill cost $200.00. We complain about everything yet sit and spend our time and money on useless things because we are tired, we work to hard…. yet most other countries work harder for less. We are busy playing our PS3 instead of taking time to make a difference anywhere. Our kids need to have fun, we push them to hard, instead of learning to be a good person. We get so mad when our kids miss school yet we will take them out to go on vacation? We use technology to be a good friend instead of showing up on their house. Will spend $50.00 a month on our nails and feet but $50.00 a month for water is ridiculous. We don’t want to help our neighbor because they never help us. We don’t send kids to college because we can’t afford it but drive around in a $40000 car and live in a $200,000 house. The cost of living has increased because we as people are demanding bigger, better and more more more. Maybe just maybe if we were more content with less, extended our hands out right here in America and didn’t buy something just to play on and spent the money paying our bills. Maybe if we lived on less so many families wouldn’t be in crisis right now. Maybe their would be so many divorces and broken homes if people weren’t so stressed out for the need to keep up in this world, if they were just hard working had a home, a car and things that were necessary. That played with their kids instead of bought them everything. There are many things in life that are free but no one thinks those are fun anymore. Now I know you will say that is you, that its everyone else but really???? I have to say even I am guilty as charged so look in a mirror and decide if your going to let the blame fall where it belongs or blame others, the government or anyone else?